Key Resources

CyberAstro Astrology [Deepak Kumar, Delhi, India] Experts provide you with accurate and in-depth future predictions & psychic readings .
Dirah Academy UK & Eire [Steve Hubball, Carlisle, UK] Vedic Astrological Consultations & Email Courses Applied Vedic Astrology.
Rameshaneja [Ravi Aneja, Amritsar, India] Birth chart analyses, money, medical, karmic destiny, sports results, stock tips and matchmaking. [Siva Prasad Tata, New Delhi, India] authentic indian vedic astrology site by astrologer sptata for personal predictions, rasi forecast, panchang, rahukalam, planets, navagraha details, astrology books & sastras, remedies.

Vedic astrology [Astroved, Chennai, India] Astroved uses cutting edge technology to create your horoscope and give you the information you need to meet life's challenges.
Light On Vedic Astrology [Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A., Maui, HI, USA] An active Vedic astrology website that offers an online course, daily articles, monthly newsletters, astro-profiles of celebrities, a discussion board and more.
Indian Vedic Astrology portal for Consultancy [Delhi, India] Customized manual consultations, astrology reports, chat by 'phone with Vedic astrologers in India.
Key To your Fortune [Arun Agrawal, Kolkata, India] We help you get your horoscopes and astrology items from renowned resources.
Birth Time Calculators [Dr. Heinz A. Krug, Rain, Germany] Calculate influence of incorrect birth times on astrology. Links to get your correct birth time.

Astrology & Horoscope Online [Stanley, Avinashi, India] Find Your Fate, the online source for astrology, palmistry, horoscope, vastu, panchang, numerology and much more.

Astrology software [Vikas Trivedi, Delhi, India] Astrology software horoscope software.

Oja Spirit [Veno Trivedi, London, England] Home of Jyotish, Ancient Indian Astrology. Affordable and insightful Life Guidance reports and articles on Jyotish/Vedic Astrology

Indian Astrology [Narinder Juneja, Gurgaon, India] offers predictions based on Lagna-rashi, birth charts, consultations on gems. Case studies on profession, health, progeny, marital compatibility, education and more.
Komilla Sutton is the co-founder and chairperson of the British Association for Vedic Astrology.
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