Astrological Birth Chart for impact of first plane
to hit the World Trade Towers
Sept 11 2001
Manhatten, NY
Terrorist Attack,

Astrological Theories
- ♇ was on the US Ascendant [Sibly chart] This transit tends to coincide with crises and life-changing events that can seem to threaten an entity's existence.
- ☾ ☍ ♂ Attack on home soil. Threat to domestic security. Attack on American way of life and the role of women in American society both in their public life and matriarchal position in the family.
- ☾ ☍ ♂ + ♃ in ♋ Attack on the NY commodities exchange
- ♂ in ♑ Attack on the military (Pentagon)
- ♂ ☌ ⚷ [Chiron] Caused & designed to cause maximum injury.
- ♅ in ♒ in 5th ☍ ♀ in ♌ △ ☿ Dramatic and spectacular surprise.
- ☉ in 12th in ♍ □ ♄ & ♇ Leader, GWB (N.12th house ☉) initially takes shelter in underground bunker in Nebraska. No immediate leadership response.
- ☉ in 12th also points to a behind the scenes leader hiding underground, Osama Bin Laden. Both leaders believed in their divine mission and all parties followed a narrow religious view ♄ ♊ in 9th.
- ♃ 8th □ ☿ & ♂ 3rd & ♄ in ♊ on 9th cusp. National transportation and communication system overstretched or broken down.
- ♅ ♒ in 5th △ ☿ ♎ on Asc
- ♇ ♐ ☍ ♄ Responsibility points to (deep rooted anti-establishment fanatics) Islamic Fundamentalists.
- Unaspected ♆ & ☾ Void.
- Much uncertainty about the responsibility with blame being placed on Saddam Hussein and disappearance of most likely culprit, Osama Bin Laden.
- Subsequent paranoia
- Many conspiracy theories connected with the architecture & implosion of the towers and questioning the plane damage to the Pentagon.
- Subsequent biological terrorism (anthrax scare)
- ☿ on Asc. Action perpetrated by young men.
Compiled by Robert Currey