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Are Genes Fate?
Latest news on cloning confirms that we are much more than the sum of our genes.
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Boys from Brazil - Nature v Nurture DebateTHIS PAGE HAS MOVED! Latest cloning research confirms that we are more than the sum of our genes.

Astrology News & Famous Charts For current news from Equinox.

Classic Astrocartography Examples World Astro*Carto*Graphy Study for George Bush: New York, Florida, Texas, Middle East & Australia/Pacific Far East reveals why Muslim fundamentalism and Arabic extremism is meeting an equally formidable and fanatic opponent.

The Libra Effect: how psychic ability is enhanced at certain times.

In honour of Sydney Omarr (1926 - 2002) - celebrated US sun sign astrology columnist.

United Astrology Conference News and photos of the United Astrology Conference in Orlando [July 2002].

Life of Carole Golder, Astrologer The life of Carole Golder, astrologer known by millions through her writing.

New Age Exhibitions around the world New Age Festivals around the world coming up in 2004, London, Manchester, Sydney, San Francisco, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Melbourne.
Line-up in Gemini & Transport Chaos May 2002 How the May 2002 planetary line-up in Gemini 'resulted' in world-wide transportation chaos as forecast on this page. Plus photos of planets.
European Stats and AstrologyAn official European Statistical Survey has just revealed that a majority of Europeans consider astrology as a science.
Serendipity - the movie about destiny Serendipity - a great movie with a powerful message about fate and destiny dressed up in a simple, predictable, romantic tale.
Usama's Birth Chart Usama (or Osama) Bin Laden's birth data has been a shrouded in mystery. Now, a reliable source points to a date that suggests UBL is a Leo and is contra-receptive, single-minded and self-destructive?
Rob Hand Astrologer The Boston Phoenix ran an article on astrologers who predicted the September Terrorist attack which included the work of Rob Hand and Lynne Palmer...

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